Beltone micro-Invisa™

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Small is cute. Tiny is beautiful.

The Beltone micro-Invisa™ offers magnificent sound in a miniature package.
It hides within your ear canal.

A breakthrough for demanding listening situations

Beltone provides some of the most advanced products in the hearing care industry. We allocate significant resources to the research and development of our products. We believe we enhance the lives of our patients by developing hearing instruments with superior technology.

Hand-crafted for custom comfort.

Our expert artisans meticulously sculpt your instrument to match the exact contours of your ear anatomy. As with any custom-tailored product, the fit is superb. You get maximum comfort, stellar acoustics, and a top-of-the-line listening experience.

Designed to work like natural ears.

The Beltone micro-Invisa uses our most advanced digital processing chip for superior sound quality. It features Smart Gain Pro—a state-of-the-art technology that analyzes your surroundings, then automatically adjusts the volume accordingly. You touch nothing. Sound Cleaner Pro reduces background noise to help you hear exactly what you want to hear.

Small size, big benefits:

Natural Ear Directionality – Because nothing blocks the ear canal opening, sound is gathered and transmitted as nature intended. You’ll enjoy a highly natural listening experience.

HPF80 NanoBlock™ – Protects your hearing aids, inside and out. NanoBlock coating repels moisture and dirt — giving you peak performance over time.

Feedback Eraser with WhistleStop – Unlike some hearing instruments, the Beltone micro-Invisa stays quiet when objects come close to it.

AFX Music Mode – Love music? Wait until you listen in AFX Music Mode.
This special setting delivers a robust musical experience that’s layered and true sounding.